
15622228_10100882873955682_3808518868396358920_n.jpgPatrick Welsh is a freelance writer. He was raised in Newcastle and attended the University of St Andrews, where he obtained qualifications in History and Information Technology.

He spends a lot of time writing fiction. He studied Creative Writing at the University of Edinburgh. In 2012, he was as surprised as anyone to find he was a finalist for the Scottish Book Trust New Writers Awards. He specialises in fantasy and horror with a postmodern twist. You can read some of his short fiction here. He is currently working on his first novel.

Patrick also writes about history, video games and popular culture. He is available for copywriting, editing and freelance writing jobs.

Patrick also co-hosts and produces “I’m Not Watching That,” a podcast about pop culture. Listen to it on Soundcloud.

Patrick is also available for hugs and sympathy without prior booking.

You can email Patrick at patrickwelsh11@gmail.com, or follow him on Twitter